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The 7 Best Health Benefits of Intermittent Fasting

benefits of intermittent fasting

Intermittent fasting is an eating method that interchange between fasting and eating on a regular timetable. Research reveals that intermittent fasting is a way to handle your weight and avert or even overturn some forms of the disease. But how do you do it? And is it safe?

Have you ever attempted intermittent fasting? If you have not, do you know someone who is fasting on a steady basis?

Over the past few years, intermittent fasting has become very well known. Is this just a trend that will soon pass or are there authentic health benefits of intermittent fasting?

Due to the practice of intermittent fasting, you only eat during a particular time. Fasting for a given number of hours each day or eating just one meal a couple of days a week can help your body burn fat. And scientific proof points to some health advantages, as well.

Fasting has been gradually gaining popularity over the years, particularly among the health community. Although most health practitioners are fearful to recommend eating less due to the stigma included, it still does not mitigate the incredible advantages of fasting when used sensibly.

Various research reveals that it can have great benefits for your body and brain.

Best Health Benefits of Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting has a ton of benefits. As more research is being conducted, more benefits are being realized.

1. Fasting Can Contribute to Weight Loss

Fasting can be a healthy method to lose weight as various studies have revealed that intermittent fasting (1) – fasting that is measured within a set number of hours – allows the body to burn through fat cells more appropriately than just regular dieting. (2, 3)

Intermittent fasting allows the body to use fat as it is the main source of energy instead of sugar. Various athletes now across the globe use fasting as a method to gaining low body fat percentages for competitions. (4)

One of the major attractions of intermittent fasting is for those who want to drop weight. Weight loss occurs when fasting for some reason.

The most noticeable, but not inevitably the most important, is most people often consume less food because they are not eating 3 (or more) meals a day.

What I conclude is more vital is that insulin levels are reduced when fasting. Insulin resistance is a very frequent effect of weight gain and the ineffectiveness to lose weight. (5) Insulin resistance is bound with type 2 diabetes, which is a very familiar challenge in the world today, particularly in industrialized countries.

Intermittent fasting also controls metabolism from slowing down and stopping weight loss, which is the most frequent reason that most diets break down. (6)

Read More: How Intermittent Fasting Does Makes You Lose Weight?

2. Fasting can Abrogate Type 2 Diabetes

Confidentially, this is a very vital reason for me to fast. I was able to reduce my own blood sugar because fasting destroys the insulin resistance that has been with me for some years now.

With insulin resistance, the cells are no longer sensitive to insulin (which usually works to move glucose into the cells) and so the body creates more and more insulin, which saves the body from burning fat for energy. (7)

Insulin resistance also causes type 2 diabetes which is connected with heart disease, high blood pressure, kidney disease, and other challenges. Fasting reduces insulin levels, the major reason behind much of the detrimental effect in type 2 diabetes. Type 2 diabetes has become a very regular diagnosis in recent decades. Its main focus is high blood sugar levels in the milieu of insulin resistance. (7, 8)

Whatever factor degrades insulin resistance should help reduce blood sugar levels and withstand type 2 diabetes.

Emphatically, intermittent fasting has been revealed to have major help for insulin resistance and to lead to an impactful depreciation in blood sugar levels

3. Fasting can Protect your Heart

This also links to the insulin resistance instrument quoted earlier. With a reduction in insulin resistance, cholesterol levels and triglycerides enhance, so heart health enhances. (8)

Another link is often a reduction of blood pressure, most importantly when the effect of elevated blood pressure is a build-up of plaque in the arteries and a solidifying of those arteries.

Heart disease is presently the world’s biggest killer. It is widely known that so many health markers so-called “risk factors” are connected with either a high or low threat of heart disease. (9)

Intermittent fasting can upgrade your heart health in various ways. Researches have found it can enhance insulin sensitivity, reduce LDL cholesterol levels while accelerating HDL cholesterol levels, bring down oxidative stress levels in the cardiovascular system, and decrease inflammatory processes that will likely lead to atherosclerosis, among others, according to a Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry review. (10, 11)

Magnesium is a mineral that cools muscles in the cells. (12) If the cells are insulin resistant, then more magnesium will be released out of the body and the blood vessels will shrink, rather than unwind, and blood pressure will become stimulated. (6)

Fasting will donate to the retention of more of that magnesium through destroying insulin resistance, and thus blood pressure may drop. (Emmerich, Maria, and Craig, Keto-Adapted, p. 84).

Read: Intermittent Fasting For Women The Complete Guide

4. Intermittent Fasting Improves Brain Function

Another major vital advantage of fasting is that it can be beneficial to your brain and help your body stay young extensive. Memory increases with calorie dropping down and reduces insulin levels. Our bodies are always substituting cells that have attained a particular age. High levels of sugar, insulin, and protein can also intercede with the method of this cell replacement. Fasting can also aid the body to do away the old and damaged cells, and then recreate them with new substitute cells, a process known as autophagy.

One of the most agreed-upon advantages of the Intermittent Fasting diet is the genuineness of upgrading healthy brain function and staving off neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. According to various studies carried by Mark Mattson, a professor of neuroscience in the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine and chief of the Laboratory of Neurosciences at the National Institute on Aging, the act of abstaining from food is a challenge to your brain that brings about it to take preventative steps against diseases.

Fasting has been shown to upgrade brain performance because it enhances the production of a protein called brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF). (13) Intermittent fasting enhances various metabolic attributes known to be vital for brain health. Fasting also accelerates levels of a brain hormone known as a brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF). A BDNF deficiency has been intertwined with depression and so many other brain problems. (14, 15)

BDNF triggers brain stem cells to transform into new neurons and triggers multiple other chemicals that upgrade neural health. This protein also defends your brain cells from variations linked with Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease. (16, 17)

Read Also: 16/8 Intermittent Fasting Complete Guide for Beginner

5. Fasting will Boost Your Lifespan

Not a thing or anybody proves “healthy lifestyle choice” like longevity! Research in the journal Cell Metabolism discloses that Intermittent Fasting food-free period exploits the energy-producing mitochondria of your cells and upgrades your lifespan. As you grow older, your body is in a regular disdain that has a massive impact on your cells. But the research revealed that the decreased levels of energy created throughout fasting times created the mitochondria to relocate and preserve their benefits longer than normal to upgrade healthy aging and an extensive duration.

Like it or not, the less food you consume the longer your lifespan. (18) Researches have revealed how the duration of life of people in particular cultures have improved due to their diets. Although, we do not need to coexist with a foreign community to accumulate the benefits of fasting. One of the main catalysts of aging is a decelerating metabolism, the younger your body is, the quicker and more effective your metabolism. The less you consume food, the less damage it takes on your digestive system. (19)

intermittent fasting has become very well known among the anti-aging crowd. Given the specified benefits for metabolism and all types of health markers, intermittent fasting gives the impression that it could help you live a much prolong and healthier life.

6. Intermittent Fasting Improves Your Gut Health

Intermittent fasting provides your gut microbes a break from their difficult task, so they can concentrate on cleaning up their populations and upgrade their diversity. This will enhance your overall health and assist in your body’s resistance to harmful bacteria.

When gut health is in good shape healthy foods impact us more, bad things have less effect on us, and our system can stop fighting gut aches and move on to more vital things. It looks like almost any health issue we have from skin rashes to stomach pain, and mental fog, the result is “heal your gut.” (20)

Intermittent fasting may straightaway affect the gut microbiome: the elaborate and distinct microbial community that dwells in the intestinal tract and entertains a vital role in impacting our immunity, weight, stress, and total overall health. When the microbe dwellers in your gut are out of stability, it can lead to various negative impacts, one of them is weight gain and obesity. IF can play a part in repairing your gut microbiome by giving your gut a cool off (it’s always working if you’re constantly eating!). Studies reveal that this can help the gut lining do a better job of not allowing inflammatory toxins from blurting into your bloodstream.

7. Intermittent Fasting Improves Your Eating Routine

Fasting can be a useful practice for those who are suffering from binge eating disorders, and for those who find it very hard to uphold a correct eating routine due to work and another precedence.

Binge eating disorder is like empty happiness because you are finally skinny enough to win society’s approval yet it feels like the scariest, weirdest, most callous thing acceptable. You completely hate it, but yet are infatuated with it more than something else.

It’s feeling blur from going a day or two not having food before you begin bingeing again. It is shame, anxiety, and depression all circled up into the finest-looking gift under the Christmas tree.

It is soothing and embarrassing at the same time. It’s love and hates equally. It brings you up but quickly drops you. It is your best pal and your worst foe.

With intermittent fasting going all afternoon with no meal is okay and it can permit you to eat at a fixed time that fits your way of life. Similarly, for anyone who strives to prevent binge eating, you can make up a set time where you allow yourself to eat on a daily amount of calories in one sitting, and then not eat anything until the following day.

Intermittent Fasting- Is It Safe for Everyone?


Really some of us can do some stages of intermittent fasting.

It is specifically influential as an instrument and way of life transformation for those lifting extra weight and for those with insulin resistance.

You may not be aware if you possess insulin resistance, but I encourage you to focus on this area. I have some more facts on insulin resistance at Purposeful Nutrition.


Pregnant and breastfeeding women should not be fasting, as the baby needs to be the focus with all calories and nourishment.

Children below 18 should not be fasting, as they need healthy nourishing food to endure their healthy growth.

The third class is those who are underweight or starving. This also contains those with eating disorders like anorexia and bulimia, as it can support those kinds of eating issues. If you are not sure if you fall into that bracket, ask a friend or family member if you are lightweight or malnourished. Sometimes it is difficult for us to be ideal about our own bodies too.

If you want to start Intermittent Fasting, you should consider conducting a Doctor at any nearest Hospital for Professional advice.

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